
AIESEC Membership Experience

2023年7月23日 — As an AIESEC member, you'll have the opportunity to develop your communication skills, improve your time management and organizational skills, ...


AIESEC is aglobal platform for young people to develop their leadership potential through practical experiencesof many kinds, including internships, ...


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Experience new opportunities with AIESEC. At AIESEC, we believe that everyone has the ability to change the world – even if they don't know it yet.

Experience Stories

An experience to never forget! Experience Stories, Global Volunteer. It's October 28, 2017.

Here's How AIESEC Helped Me Grow

2023年11月21日 — I gain a personalized and relevant leadership experience that I really cherished back then as a new university students, it led me to tons of ...

My AIESEC experience in Bŭlgariya

2020年8月7日 — Five years! It's been five years today since twenty-year-old me started the Global Volunteer program as a student-teacher in Varna, ...

My experience

I will take you on a journey of climate action, joy, tears, and development through Italy. It was the 1st of June 2021 when I decided that I will go on a ...

What did you gain and do throughout your AIESEC ...

2015年6月28日 — 1. You`re growing as a person · 2. Learning to be responsible and to manage everything · 3. Finding your passion and potential · 4. If you are ...


2023年7月23日—AsanAIESECmember,you'llhavetheopportunitytodevelopyourcommunicationskills,improveyourtimemanagementandorganizationalskills, ...,AIESECisaglobalplatformforyoungpeopletodeveloptheirleadershippotentialthroughpracticalexperiencesofmanykinds,includinginternships, ...,LogintoAIESEC·Signuptofindyouropportunityintheworld.,ExperiencenewopportunitieswithAIESEC.AtAIESEC,webelievethateveryon...